Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Chuck & Larry?

I just this moment opened an e-mail from HRC.  And I learned that last week at a Senate hearing on equal family benefits for LGBT federal workers, the Bush Administration's Howard Weitzman referenced the plot of the Adam Sandler movie I Now Pronounce you Chuck & Larry, which is a homophobic little romp about two straight guys pretending to be gay, as EVIDENCE that the program would be scammed.

Honestly, not since I can see Russia from my house, have I heard anything more ludicrous. 

I urge you to check out the HRC website. If I had more tech savvy the link would be write here. But I don't, so please type it in.  They have a petition calling for equal benefits for same-sex federal workers--Gosh, does that mean they don't already have the same benefits as their straight counterparts-- please sign it.

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