Friday, November 13, 2009

By Example

What can I do?

It's a thought I often have just seconds before I lay down on my couch in despair. Not productive, but there you have it.

I know I can be doing more to create change. To move our nation in the direction of equality.

Last week I got invited via Facebook to join a group created by Sean Chapin called: Equality Civil Rights Movement. Sean's goal get 50% of the LGBT community to devote 5% of their time to advancing the movement.

5% of my time? I can do that. (I think)

Many of you know I've written a very-pro equality novel called The Marrying Kind, which will be released sometime in June by Alyson books. It was a lot of work and I'm very proud of it. BUT I have been a bit resting on my laurels of late. The book is not coming out until June. I can do plenty of other things to advance this cause before then.

Now comes the urge to lie down. What can I do? Okay it's passed. Not lying down!

Here's one idea:

At The Marrying Kind group we're organizing a Thanksgiving event. Across the country we are asking folks to raise the topic of equality at the dinner table. Tell your family how you feel-- that civil rights for the LGBT community is something that matters to you.

If you already know your whole family supports gay rights, it's an easy conversation. If you know they don't, or you aren't sure, it's hard. I know that. But it's important. I think we have to start with our families.

That's just one idea. But it demonstrates that committing to the cause does not have to mean anything particularly extraordinary beyond raising your voice. No money. No special props.

Can't we do this for Sean? Can't we do this for ourselves?

Sean Chapin is my Facebook "friend". I don't actually know him. Though I admire him immensely.

He's asking us to commit 5% of our time.

My guess is he's committing 95% of his.
Please become a fan of Equality Civil Rights Movement

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